Citizenship Marks
Citizenship marks will be given at all 6, 12 and 18-week Progress Report and Report Card periods. Students will exhibit the listed traits for each mark.
- Is a positive role model, who leads quietly or outwardly
- Is always respectful of teachers and fellow students
- Works to improve the classroom atmosphere
- Takes an active part in class discussions, groups, etc.
- Is a self-starter and seeks to help others
- Completes all work to the best of their ability
- Demonstrates personal and academic integrity
- Arrives on time and prepared - there and ready
- Contributes positively to class
- Shows respect for others
- Comes to class prepared and on time
- Demonstrates personal and academic integrity
- Listens and talks when appropriate
- Does what is expected
- Willing to help others
N-Needs Improvement:
- Needs frequent reminders by the teacher to stay on task and/or behave appropriately
- Needs improvement in showing respect to classmates/teacher
- Sometimes comes to class unprepared and/or work isn't finished
- Distracts other students' learning
- Occasionally displays a negative or uncooperative attitude
- Is a negative/disruptive influence on the class
- Shows a lack of respect for teacher/fellow students
- Regularly comes to class unprepared and puts forth little effort
- Frequently tardy
- Demonstrates a lack of personal and academic integrity