What do I do if my student is absent?
Call 949-497-7785 or email ssanchez@lbusd.org. Be sure to give the name, date, and reason for the absence so that it can be properly excused.
What is the procedure for student needing to leave early from school?
Come to the office to sign your student out. We will send for your student once you are here.
What do I do if my student is not feeling well during school?
Your student should go to the health office. You will be contacted if your students needs to go home.
What do I do if my student will be out for a scheduled absence?
For an absence of 3 days or more get an extended absence form from Gwen Myers or your student’s counselor.
What are considered excused absences?
Illness, medical appointments, and required court appearances are excused. Certain significant events in the immediate family and certain religious holidays are also excused.
What are considered unexcused absences?
Absences for travel, family, and sports are unexcused.
When are the minimum days scheduled for the year?
See the Calendar.
What time does school get out today?
School ends at 3:05 on a regular day, and 1:00 on a minimum day. Please see the calendar for details.
What time does school start on Friday?
School starts every Friday at 9:10 on both regular and minimum days.
What are the dates for school breaks?
See the Calendar.
How can I let my child know about a change of plans?
We ask that you make every effort to avoid this situation. If it is an emergency, we need the information emailed to ssjohnson@lbusd.org. We only take change of plans in written form from the parent. Class will be interrupted to deliver the note.
How do I excuse my child from PE when they have an injury?
Parents should email their request to mgethins@lbusd.org. Please include student name, date, and reason for non-participation. A doctors note is required for any time over 3 days.