
Sylvia Sanchez

Sylvia Sanchez

Attendance & Student Records Specialist

Welcome to the TMS Attendance Office. In order to be accurately accountable for every TMS student, we strive to consistently adhere to both the California Education Code and LBUSD attendance policies. Please refer to the following information when your child must miss any part of his or her school day.

Reporting an Absence

Please email or dial the main school line at 949-497-7785 and select prompt 2. Once your information has been left on the automated system there is no need to call back. Be sure that your message is very clear with full information or the absence will not be cleared. Note: families have 72 hours to clear each day’s absence before it is considered an unexcused absence. In addition to the options listed above, this fillable form can be emailed to the Attendance Office if desired.

Excused Absences

Excused absences include illness, medical appointments with doctor's notes, funeral (immediate family member), court appearance, pre-approved extended absence or other extenuating circumstances.

Unexcused Absences

Unexcused absences include vacation, oversleeping, traffic, out-of-town visitors, missed bus, weddings, out of gas, traffic citation, child care or other personal/business reasons.

Students Needing to Leave School Early

When it becomes necessary for a student to leave campus for an appointment, you may choose ONE of the following options to properly notify the Attendance Office:

  • Email: This is the preferred form of correspondence. Please email with the following information:
    • Student’s name
    • Time student needs to leave campus
    • Reason for leaving
    • Time returning to school
  • Phone: Dial the main school line at 949-497-7785 and select prompt 2 (based on the number of students and volume of calls, emailed information is preferred).
  • Written Note: Have your child bring a note from a parent/guardian to the Attendance Office in the morning before school begins with the information listed above.


Once the above information has been received by the Attendance Office:

  • A call slip is created for your student’s teacher; the teacher will then release the student at the appropriate time.
  • Your child will then come to the Attendance Office and the parent/guardian will sign the student out. The Attendance Office will not telephone into a classroom directly to release a student, as we are respectful of instructional time.
  • Finally, when a student is returning back to campus, they are required to come to the Attendance Office with a doctor’s note for re-admittance and will then be issued a pass back to class.
  • Upon returning to campus, failing to acquire a re-admit pass back to class from the attendance office may result in an unexcused absence.

Students Not Feeling Well

Students who are not feeling well should notify their teacher and request a pass to the Health Office. The Health Clerk will determine whether or not the student’s parent/guardian should be called requesting that the student be picked up or released to go home. Students should NOT call their parents and/or guardians. Students must check out through the Health Office (failure to do so will result in a truancy). Students who are not feeling well during break or lunch should come directly to the Health Office.